You can't reach good ends through evil means, because the means represent the seed and the end represents the tree.

Seeds of Enlightenment

1.) An understanding that harmony, community, and freewill are the highest ideal; A balance of union and parity. Universal Liberty.
2.) The recognition that we are all One. Light, Matter, and Energy all come from the same Source. Our journey is an experience of conciousness, consequence, and memory. Perception.
3.) The Wisdom to know that Good(+) and Evil(-) are not entirely separate, they mingle, but with higher consciousness one can decide a path between the two, maximizing harmony. Life can choose to minimize harm but Yin and Yang exist.
4.) The Universe is governed by attraction, repulsion, emotion and intelligence; Motion, symmetry, gravity and chaos are resultant. Providence, coincidence, and conflux generate Reality. Diversity and Stability are both promoted. The Paradox Cake. Icing and Filling.
5.) An acknowledgement that independence, interdependence, and the Cosmos coexist to propel experience. Time expands on the truth of many moments. Tomorrow is a construct of Freewill and Providence. Released Tension alters the future.Tipping Points Exist.
6.) Syneoma is focused on the knowledge that Synergy is far more powerful than Sin. Synergy builds, Sin deconstructs. All energy is precious, relationships evolve but always strive for mutual aid and enduring peace. Energy is always subject to change. The Flux, Qi
7.) Hunger is the cost of life. Greed stems from a lack of Empathy and creates a condition of Universal Sorrow and Envy. Anger, Fear, and Hatred are powerful forces of reaction . The antidote is Mother's Milk. Love shared freely, the willingness to aid, yields true salvation. JC.
8.) Forgiveness is an essential path to Success. Building bridges of peace brings an end to cycles of living in the past and opens the door to a new future. Higher states of attainment exist when resentment and hate fall away. True Foundation, Cornerstone.
9.) Truth is multifaceted. Perception is often a condition of limited sight. True Enlightment is the ability to see the Greater truth, and the decision to live within that Wisdom. Acknowledging limitations and our bias is the first step towards Sight.
10.) Control is an illusion and a false premise. Fate and destiny are not fully in the grasp of man. Ultimate control exists only with God. We are only a part of the whole. We are One of many, many of One. Praise Be. The Surrender. Born Anew.
11.) Ones understanding of Truth can change over time. 1 + 1 does not always equal 2. Learning is a process not a one way destination. Winning must always be measured against what is Lost. It's often the losses that create the necessary change. Evolution and Transformation. Karma
12.) States of Conciousness can be Increased. This is Primary accomplished by Revelations of Truth. In order to Solve any Mystery relating to Truth be Humble above all else. Use True Strength. Humility. God listens to those on their knees not shaking fists. Bodhi Tree.

***The Way to true Inner Peace is to Abide in Truth and Love. Light, Truth, and Love are closely Related. A Realted Trinity. W ***

Syneoma is the means for a Spiritual Awakening as well as the Guidepost for the Creation of an Advanced Society. Syneoma translates as Energy without Sin.

By obtaining higher conciousness, an awareness of Truth and Being, World Peace and a new Foundation of Social Evolution will come into existence.
WPASEF, A Way to Live within the Principles of Syneoma, The Path of Prosperity and Ascension, To Be a Blessing to One Another. (.Net)

For We are One of Many, Many of One. Share Love, Create Happiness, Experience Peace.

***The Way to Abundance is to Revere Truth.***

By this all men will know that you are My disciples, if you have love for one another.
Jesus Christ

In doing something, do it with love or never do it at all.
Gandhi (Bapu)